Meet the Team

Juliet and her father John took ownership of Kensington flowers in 2005. Together with Margaret (Juliet’s mother) and the support of Douglas, Kf was given a new lease of life and has continued to flourish. In March 2015 the opportunity arose to move from the original Launceston Place site, across the street to a brighter, larger premises in Victoria Grove. If you visit the shop or phone us, you will likely speak with either Juliet or Douglas, who both work at the shop every day, Monday – Friday.


Kf director & floral designer

Home, music, antiques & interior design, the colour green and a love of the English countryside are all things close to Juliet’s heart. Her love of flowers and helping people, prevails throughout the shop. Having started her working life alongside her father with his garden business during school holidays, she soon became accustomed to early mornings and learnt of the efforts involved in running a business. After experimenting with different career paths, Juliet returned to doing what she enjoyed the most, building creative designs with flowers.


Floral designer

Floral shirts, photography, the colour purple and a garden in Yorkshire are all things close to Douglas’s heart. Whenever any of these are then combined with the flowers & plants that Kensington Flowers sources daily from the market, it’s going to be a good day. After studying floristry and horticulture, he learned the trade in Highgate Village before joining Kensington Flowers in 1999. Alongside Juliet in our studio, he enjoys working with the best of seasonal – and especially British – flora.

Nicola, a member of the team at Kensington flowers London


Florist & grower

Family, rural dog walks with her adorable Spaniel, baking and allotment life are things close to Nicola’s heart. Her favourite flower is a David Austin rose, due to their beauty and scent. Having followed a career in education, Nicola decided she wanted to deepen her creative flair, love of nature and nurturing crops during lockdown. This prompted her decision to study a career in floristry and join the KF team to learn the trade. In addition to her vegetable plot that she and her husband are very committed to maintaining; they are currently embracing the exciting opportunity of developing a cut flower plot where they plan to grow their own David Austin roses.

John & Margaret

Kf  Director & Juliet’s Parents

(both declined the photo opportunity!)

John works quietly with Margaret ‘behind the scenes’. They are very much part of the Kf team, always available to support and share creative ideas.

John – a natural creative, flower, plant and ideas person with a wealth of knowledge…

Margaret – the marvel in the office, tea maker, critic and junior florist…


Juliet’s husband

Another quiet, ‘behind the scenes’ member of the team. Juliet was already working at Kf before she met him, so he did have some idea what he was becoming involved in! Luckily for Juliet, Martin is a keen photographer and an IT wizard, so often calls upon his skills, as you can imagine with the increasing use of technology today.